Ukraine Invasion Exposes Balancing Act of Brand Responsibility in Advertising

Ukraine Invasion Exposes Balancing Act of Brand Responsibility in Advertising
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The Russian invasion of Ukraine kicked off a bevy of responses across the digital advertising industry–brands, AdTech, and publishers. From shutting down operations in Russia to blocking Russia-branded content, the response is varied. One thing that everyone needs to look out for: bad actors taking advantage of emotional responses to lure unsuspecting consumers

Cory Schnurr, head of marketplace innovation at The Media Trust, a company that helps publishers filter such attacks, said concerns have spiked since the beginning of the week. “Over the weekend we saw Facebook and Twitter trying to shut that down, but with the open programmatic ecosystem that’s a lot more difficult because things [like bids from unknown actors and reselling] are coming from so many different angles,” added Schnurr.