How Google's FBI Assist Will Change the Ad Fraud Fight

How Google's FBI Assist Will Change the Ad Fraud Fight
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Original Source: AdAge

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This article originally appeared in AdAge on November 29, 2018.

Another case involving more than 30 fake ad networks could be next

Several years ago, the trend used to be identify a form of ad fraud, attach a scary name to it — say, “Ares,” the Greek god of war — and then drop a white paper saying that Ares has been pilfering everyone’s ad dollars for some time.

Ares would then capture widespread media coverage until a newer whitepaper drops, about a different, scarier and more sophisticated form of ad fraud. But as the fraud tactics changed, one thing remained the same: The bad guys would always get away. Ares would then capture widespread media coverage until a newer whitepaper drops, about a different, scarier and more sophisticated form of ad fraud. But as the fraud tactics changed, one thing remained the same: The bad guys would always get away.

Yet that pattern might soon change, as companies that fight ad fraud are now looking to share more quantifiable data to help law enforcement arrest the faceless boogeymen better known as ad fraud. Meanwhile, the biggest players in the digital ad ecosystem seem more willing to work together for this cause.

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