Refresh No More: Ad Sentry Pinpoints Unwanted Ads for Blocking

Auric Adames, Senior Product Manager — Media Filter, shares use cases for the Ad Sentry click-to-block creative gallery that will sound very familiar. It’s one of publisher ad ops’ recurring nightmares—waking up Saturday morning to a furious consumer email: “I just saw the most offensive ad ever on your site!” If you’re lucky, the complaint […]

Domain-cycling Powers Redirect Barrage

An early summer storm of phishing redirects uses domain-cycling and programmatic complexity to wreak havoc Redirects travel through multiple programmatic resellers to hit more than 1,000 publishers Malvertiser used dozens of domains to elude ad quality providers and blockers Recommendations: Continuous client-side scanning leveraging a variety of device and geo profiles to catch hyper-targeted malware […]