Celebrities Drive Malvertising (Again)

Hijacked celebrity brand images expose consumers to phishing schemes – Celebcore.   Bitcoin? That’s so 2021. Threat actors are diversifying their dishonest celebrity endorsements to promote a whole host of dubious products to harm consumers. Celebrity likenesses are being hijacked at scale for malvertising campaigns hawking CBD gummies, weight loss pills, dubious business investments, questionable beauty […]

‘Would You Like to Allow Malware?’: When Notification Popups Go Bad

StormMaize-3PC, a ROT13-enabled malware, disrupts dozens of brand websites to phish consumers Notification popups wearing you down? It seems every time you visit a new site, you’re pressed to allow notifications—but those popups aren’t as innocuous as you may think. What’s the harm in allowing a website to show you notifications and keep you apprised […]