SocGholish’s Driveby Download Attack Erupts Into Display Advertising

Highly effective compromised landing page scheme seems legit enough to fool consumers and infect their devices.  SocGholish, a sophisticated malware family well known for its deceptive tactics and driveby download execution, is no new kid on the block when it comes making digital consumers miserable. Also known as “FakeUpdate” malware, It’s been a regular plague […]

CelebCore Follies: Inventor Sisters Are Literally Unreal

Celebrities endorse the darnedest things… Except when they don’t—their likenesses are hijacked by scammers looking to peddle questionable (at best!) products. This series explores some of the odder CelebCore scams to better inform the public and adtech community… And also just ask “Why?!?” CREATIVE: Unfortunately, we didn’t capture the enlightening text from the content recommendation […]