Ads That Make You Go Hmm: Handling Sensitive Ad Content With Nuance

Product Marketing Lead Gavin Dunaway explains how nuanced policies and responsive ad categorization can help ad platforms navigate even the most delicate of advertising subject matter. In 2020, Twitter shocked the digital advertising landscape by announcing it would not run political advertising on its platform or its then-owned mobile advertising network MoPub. Then-CEO Jack Dorsey […]
GhostCat Piles Mobile Phishing Redirects Atop Ad Industry Woes

Enduring named threat spreads from new demand sources in massive January-February outbreak. With all the bad vibes in digital advertising around a weak fourth quarter, shuttering AdTech operations, and jaw-dropping amounts of layoffs, the last thing the industry needed was a tsunami of mobile phishing redirects. Alas, when it rains, it pours—the threat actors behind […]